我们将于2024年11月12日-14日参加位于荷兰鹿特丹- 欧洲多式联运展会。
展位号J20 ,期待与您见面
We will attend Intermodal Europe at Rotterdam, The Netherlands from 12th to 14th Nov. 2024.
Booth number is J20. Welcome your visit
青岛瑞君源集装箱成立于2006年,主要生产干货集装箱,环保垃极箱。通过中国船级社,美国ABS船级社的认证. 拥有专业集装箱生产线以及集装箱测试平台。产能达到100,000TEU每年。主要产品有标准海运集装箱;侧开门;双开门;开顶箱;集装箱房,仓储集装箱,设备箱,迷你箱;折叠箱,环保箱以及配件等等。
日本分公司: A.O.G三和株式会社和株式会社WELL
新加坡和澳大利亚分公司: Emperor Fortune Infinity Equipment Pte.Ltd
Qingdao Ruijunyuan Container established in 2006, is manufacturer of dry shipping containers, environmental protection waste bins. The factory is approved by China Classification Society, American Bureau of Shipping. We also has our own container test platform. Capacity 100,000 TEU yearly.Main products are ISO shipping containers; Open Side; Double Door; Open Top; container house and mini containers; environmental protection bins and accessories, etc.
Japan Branch: A O. G and WELL
Singapore & Australia Branch Empire Fortune Infinity Equipment Pte.Ltd